A free console-based logviewer written in java that is designed to "rifle through" large logfiles.
Features include:
- Open and merge multiple logfiles
- Follow-tail mode
- Regular-expression based nested filtering
- Regular-expression based highlights
- Bookmarks
- Movable "focus" to choose lines for operations such as bookmarking
- Automatic collapsing of stack traces
- All commands can be read from a file allowing you to define and reuse common analysis scenarios
- Suitable for headless systems (no desktop environment required)
Being a console-based application, logrifle is primarily intended for use on Unix-like systems.

logrifle is free software licensed under the Gnu Public License Version 3.0.
For third party libraries different licenses may apply, see the file THIRD-PARTY.txt in downloaded tarballs or here.
Pre-compiled binaries can be downloaded on this website. The source code is available on github.
Getting started
Head over to the installation instructions to get started.